In the first place, we think of all those who are affected by this nasty virus and all the tragedy that follows from it. We at Nokalux follow the recommendations and try our best to reduce the spread and take care of our own health.

All our staff is up and running. We help you as usual with light calculations and suggestions for solutions for your projects. Our focus is to maintain full service and deliveries to our customers. Our factories in Töcksfors are in full operation and we have had very few operational disruptions.

We try to find new ways of working and we choose to hold many online meetings instead of physical meetings. We carefully study the development in our markets and follow decisions and recommendations from authorities and prevent ongoing measures in the event of changing conditions in our society.

We at Nokalux follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's guidelines regarding Covid-19 and now offer a review by phone or video call. Contact your local salesperson for a product review via Teams, Skype, Facetime or phone. You are very welcome to contact us.

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